Thursday, February 2, 2012

"You're So Vain..." Oh Wait, Maybe It's Just Me??? Naaah!

Ok, so this is going to sound vain I know, but as soon as I found out I was preggers I thought omg my body is going to be ruined!  I just thought the worse and decided to prepare so this is what I did and I must say it worked! 

First, drink lots and lots of water and when you think you can’t drink anymore, drink  more!  This not only gives you that beautiful pregnancy glow but it helps your skin with elasticity so that as your belly gets bigger stretch marks will be very little or non-existent! 

Second, I did my research on stretch mark creams and I know I heard about Palmer’s, but I didn’t use it, instead I used this product called Mustela found at Babies R’Us and it was a miracle worker, let me tell you!  My coworker who was preggers with her second child suggested it because it worked for her and I must say it had the same results for me.  Love, love, love this product!  I put it on my tummy of course and on my breasts and hips/upper thighs.  Basically, everywhere I knew was going to expand due to pregnancy.  I already know when my close friends become preggers this will be a product that is part of their care package.

I don’t know about you, but after having my first child I am absolutely in love!  I guess you could say I have the kiddie bug now!  I want 3-4 kids and as I say this my husband says, “Just three!”  I know that this may wreck my body on the outside, so I’m going to have a “fund.”  What is the fund you may ask? Ok, do not judge me, but if working out, eating right, drinking water and lathering stretch mark creams don’t work I’m going to get some cosmetic or surgical help.  I’m sorry, but this is something for me.  Give me that laser for those stretch marks honey!  Again, this is only if the true and tried methods don’t work, so who knows people if the fund will come into play!

Third, stay active.  Just because you’re pregnant doesn’t mean you can’t workout.  Sure, there are those days where you’re exhausted, so give yourself a break on those days, but if you’re feeling good get out there and stay in shape!  And as soon as you get the okay to exercise from your doctor after giving birth jump on it!

Thank goodness, my inner circle enjoys working out and eating right, so the process hasn’t been too difficult. I have also been using two fitness bands everyday and these things definitely work (thanks Mom!)!  Sure, they make you sweat like a beast, but when you take them off at the end of the day you will see the results, trust me!  Plus, when you band them around your abdomen during the day it gives you the semblance of your old body.  Then when you look at yourself in the mirror, you think heeey I’m getting my figure back!  If you don’t have or want the fitness bands then wear a girdle during the day, just to suck everything in.  I’m apparently not like my mom who bounced back after a month with each of us, so try not to stress yourself out over this as it’s a gradual process.  This is something I’ve had to consistently remind myself of! 

Hang in there people, it gets better with time!