Friday, February 3, 2012

This May Not Be "Snakes on a Plane," but it is Puke on a Train!

Happy Friday Everyone!  I thought I would post a somewhat comedic experience in retrospect.  

Let me start this off by saying this experience was soo embarrassing for me and just disgusting.  I remember it like it was yesterday...

My job had me traveling when I was about 2-3 months preggers and my flight was early in the morning.  We live in Atlanta, so not sure how many of you know this, but Atlanta traffic sucks!  My hubby, Jon decided it would be better for us to take Marta, our train, instead of battling through traffic.  He reasoned with me saying you know how you get motion sickness in the car with traffic, so this will be better.  Uh huh, I should have went with my gut instinct.  

For whatever reason I had a V8 drink right before boarding the train.  Yeah, this is when I soon found out that I had an aversion for tomato!  We're on the train with all the corporate folks traveling into the city so the train is really packed.  Luckily, some nice gentleman offers me his seat and Jon stands right in front of me reading off of his Nook.  We are about 10-15 minutes into the ride when I start to feel really nauseous.  I thought it would pass, but it started to get worse and worse and I started to look around like a crazy woman for somewhere I could puke! I definitely didn't want to do it on anyone! I started sweating because I was panicking and I decided okay, I'm just going to try to hold it in until the next stop and we will get off go to the restroom and all will be well!  Let me tell you, that was certainly not the case!  The time between stops ended up being longer than anticipated and I was about to blow all over this train!  I gave Jon this look and he knew the deal so as soon as the train stopped I pushed people out of the way like a maniac and ran off.  I didn't even care about my luggage because I left it on the train, but luckily Jon grabbed it up and ran after me.  I didn't even have time to react when it just came out projectile style!  It was red and everywhere on the train platform, all over my shoes and on Jon's shoes as well (sorry Love!).  I thought whew all is well no one saw except us. Well, I was wrong!  I puked so fast that the train door was still open and everyone in the car was staring at me while all this was going on!  When I saw this I immediately started to cry and blame Jon.  He didn't even know what I was sobbing/saying, but I kept saying, "I told you I didn't want to come on the train and you made me and now look."  After he understood what I was saying he just gave me a look like, "Are you serious???"  I dropped it after that because I was trying to milk the situation, but I quickly saw how that wasn't going to work, lol!

Jon being a quick thinker immediately started to look for a restroom so we could both get cleaned up.  Well guess what again?!  Stinking Marta doesn't have restrooms because of crime.  We found this out after asking a cop.  I couldn't go to the airport and travel with my puke red shoes that were made out of fabric, so I ended up throwing them away with my socks and wore flip flops in the cold weather with un-pedicured feet!  Jon just kept the puke splatters on his shoes and cleaned them when he got to work.  

After I calmed down I really didn't want to board the train again to go to the airport (especially with puke mouth!), but we had to or else I would miss my flight.  We boarded the train and I was praying the whole time that I wouldn't puke again because I still felt nauseous.  Thank goodness we made it though and I was able to get to my destination.  

What is the lesson of this story?  In pregnancy sometimes ailments you already have become even more exaggerated, like my motion sickness, so beware!  You may also discover food aversions you may not have had before.  Just remember this is all part of the process, so buckle up and get ready for the ride!


  1. I remember this story! LOL Don't feel bad because remember I had a similar story and it was not even related to being pregnant! Being a woman is just really really hard!
