Monday, September 15, 2014

Speedy Update on What’s Been Going on & Why I’ve Been MIA

Hey Guys!

38 weeks preggers here
First off, let me apologize for my extremely long absence from blogging.  I was distracted and overwhelmed by my spirited 2 year old at the time and then became preggers again!  Unlike my first pregnancy, which I absolutely loved, I had a rather difficult time this go around.  I was throwing up like crazy, to the point that I lost weight while pregnant, had tons of pubic bone pain (it felt like my baby was resting completely on my vay jay jay bone!) and had to try to keep up with a very active toddler in the midst of it all.  The important thing is that I’m bizack now and I am going to make a concerted effort to consistently blog and start vlogging as well. 

Life is very busy and while I feel overwhelmed and exhausted beyond belief, I wouldn’t trade it for the world!  I feel very full right now in life and I can say that I definitely want more kids in the future lol!  Call me crazy!  My almost 3 year old is finally over his crazy tantrum phase (I’ll definitely blog about this), I’m studying at nights for my GMAT (planning to get my MHA), my 6 month old baby boy is starting to crawl all over the place and my hubby is now teaching Biology at GA State University.   Oh yes, and did I mention that I am getting back into running to lose the remainder of this post partum weight. 
The struggle to get fit

In future posts I plan to talk about differences between my first and second pregnancies, labor and delivery for the second, juggling life with two babies, handling a spirited toddler, products I cannot live without, and the list will go on and on so stay tuned! 

Our loves


  1. Welcome back mommy blogger, keep up the good work!

    1. Thanks so much bestie for the support and encouragement! Means a lot coming from the blogging/makeup guru!!
