Thursday, September 18, 2014

Carry My Baby Like a Kangaroo?

If you’re like me, when I had my first born I immediately opted for a car seat and stroller travel system.  I figured this would make things more convenient and it just seemed like all mommies owned one.  Isaac would frequently fall asleep in his car seat to our destination and instead of taking him out; I would just unclick the car seat and snap it into his stroller.  This was seamless
because our little one would remain fast asleep.  I also enjoyed going to places in a fairly fast pace with the stroller, the ability to load it with my heart’s desire of bags and the protection it provided our baby from sun, rain, winds, you name it.  I absolutely loved this part of having a stroller, however there were some things that began bothering me with continued use.  Going in our trunk and fetching the stroller in and out of it, trying to get through doorways and small spaces using one hand to steer and another hand to hold the door open and not being able to cuddle up with my little guy as much as possible. 

Carry Ian in our Boba.  Sound asleep
That is when I discovered baby wearing and O.M.G. my world changed!  At first we bought a Baby Bjorn because and I am embarrassed to say this, but honestly because I saw many celebrities with it. Yeah, do not do that.  It was not until I went to one of my best friend’s medical school graduations that I was enlightened about the possible harm one of those carriers could cause to my baby (hip dysplasia).  One of my friends (who I consider the baby-wearing guru) suggested I try a carrier called Boba as it carries baby in an ergonomically correct position, has snaps to hold your purse/diaper bag, has a snap on hood to protect baby from weather or privacy to breastfeed, holds up to 45 lbs and is easy to handle.  I thought why not, I will try to do whatever is best for my little guy.  Well let me tell you, once I bought my Boba I became a baby-wearing mama and love it!  Why??

Dad even gets into the baby wearing
Experienced mommies always tell me how time flies so make sure to cherish these times with my little ones.  What better way to spend precious time with your little one than with him/her snuggled up close to you especially while out and about?  When my little people look up at me in their carriers and give me the sweetest smile I immediately melt.  There is also the added convenience of being able to carry baby and have your hands free.  This is especially handy when grocery shopping or if you have a toddler in tote.  You also do not have to worry about navigating through crowds and spaces to get to a destination.  I am also a breastfeeding mama so being able to either use the hood of the carrier or just slip a nursing cover over while having baby on me and moving about is an added bonus.  Oh yes, did I also mention that for the most part, carriers are cheaper than strollers? That is some extra cha-ching in your pocket!

BOB Duallie Stroller
I am a mommy to an almost 3 year old and 6 month old that both enjoy being carried.  My toddler prefers the back carry, while my youngest son prefers the front.  I now own three carriers (Boba, Tula, Bali baby wrapsody) and use them on a daily basis, especially since Ian, our second son prefers a carrier over stroller.  The only drawback I can think of is while you can speed walk and hike with a carrier, you cannot run/jog while baby wearing and with this remaining post partum pudge, I need to kick my workout into high gear.  My hubby and I have a couple, ok fine a few pounds to lose, so we gave in and bought a duallie jogging stroller to fit our workout lifestyle of running (I wanted to cry when we bought it because they’re not cheap and those of you who know me, know I always try to be economical!). 

Isaac's phase of only wanting to go everywhere in his car
We are a family who enjoy and embrace baby wearing, but we also do not knock strollers because we own our fair share of them.  I think it is important to have an arsenal of baby gear, ready for whatever activity your family will engage in. Some kids prefer baby wearing, while others say forget that and opt for the stroller or walking.  I say do whatever works and best fits the needs of you and your child!  You are the judge and if you should happen to enjoy wearing your kid (pun intended) like a kangaroo go for it!  I know I do! 

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