Tuesday, June 12, 2012

This is Definitely NOT Easy!

When we came home from the hospital, we were relieved to be home so that we could start getting into a routine.  There has definitely been little sleep since that time and man, I definitely miss those days where I could sleep for 4-5 hours without interruption!  Everyone tells you to sleep while the baby is sleeping/napping, but I just couldn’t.  This was the only time I had to do household or personal things, so I skipped the sleep.  However, after almost falling asleep at the wheel I definitely put the kabash on that and try to get my sleep on!  I had to come to the realization that these other things could wait. 

I am also a clean freak so I’m always cleaning and making sure things are straight and in order.  I remember when I couldn’t do this the first couple of weeks home I felt like I was going to go crazy!  Praise God for my mom who understands me because she would clean and this is going to sound crazy, but I would come out inspect and make sure it was up to par.  Yes, I have problems.  Once I saw all was well, I would go back to taking care of Isaac and trying to heal.
I was so happy my mom was here because I was having a really difficult time getting around for a while after giving birth.  It took me about 6-8 weeks to heal and it was painful.  I couldn’t sit or stand for long without feeling pain and then to make matters worse I started to get hemorrhoids!  This is common due to the force behind pushing your baby out.  Basically, it's like you're making the biggest poopie of your life!  Not to be too graphic, but it felt as if someone were pulling down on my piece!  Can you imagine?!  So yeah, having pain everywhere down there was just unbearable!  Thank goodness it went away after about 8 weeks because I don’t know how much longer I could have taken that!  The two products that really helped me heal were Tucks Medicated Wipes for the hemorrhoids and Dermoplast Pain Relieving Spray for the stitches. I was suffering for weeks until my sister-in-law told me about Dermoplast.  She told me it really helped her heal quickly and provided pain relief as well.  I wish I had this product from the beginning because it was a miracle worker!

During this time, I also became frustrated with breastfeeding occasionally because Isaac would sometimes feed every hour from 6am-2pm!  I remember crying and thinking omg I don’t know if I can do this!  I felt trapped as if I were one of those dairy cows, existing to produce milk.  I was trying to bear it until one day my mom came in the room to check on me and I had a major meltdown.  She knew I needed some time alone and took Isaac so that I could rest and just have some me time.  I felt bad that I needed this, but it’s okay, it doesn’t make you any less of a mom, it makes you human.  Rest assured this too passes and it does happen occasionally, but it is perfectly normal.  I was apparently going through some post partum, which has since subsided.  Make sure you discuss this with your doctor and be honest about your feelings.  I did this and felt so much better after gaining more knowledge about it.  It also helps to have supportive friends and family as well!  Thanks everyone! 

The first couple of months are rough at first, but once you get into a routine it significantly improves.  You’re still going to be in a perpetual state of exhaustion, but you’ll get used to it because your little one makes all of the above worth it!  (I don’t want to scare anyone from having kids!)  Those times are now fading memories, but the love for your baby is never forgotten and grows stronger and stronger each day.  And you best believe I will let my kids know what I went through for them and they better appreciate it, lol!  Just kidding, ok maybe not! :)

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