Hi Guys!

On to Isaac! He’s 4
now and amazes us every day. I know
every parent thinks their kid is so smart, which they should! We’re no different and strongly believe in
nurturing that and providing the necessary resources to help them thrive. Isaac has been speaking clearly, using
advanced concepts and has built up quite the vocabulary for a 4 year old. He’s been learning to read and is always
drawn to math/science concepts. He’s
very willful/stubborn, assertive and is growing more independent (putting on
his clothes, brushing/flossing his own teeth, wiping himself after BO, getting
his own snacks/foods out of the fridge, buckling himself in his car seat, etc…) It’s just so cute to see my forever baby
growing up into a little boy. He’s also
out and about every day. We’re very
grateful to have a kid friendly neighborhood that’s diverse. He goes out with his dad every evening before
dinner and plays outside with the elementary aged kids. It’s literally 10-20 kids and makes us so
happy to see White, Black, Latino, Asian, Indian, and mixed kids all playing
together! He also won a spot in pre-k
for his assigned elementary school. This is something we’re really excited
about because it’s a great school/program, it’s 5 days a week and it’ll make
his transition to kindergarten even easier, and it’s FREE! We definitely feel like we’ve won the lottery
for sure!
I have also been exploring advanced education options and
possible careers that may interest me in the future. Once our kids are all in pre-k/elementary it’ll
be time for me to get back to it! I know
it’ll probably be quite challenging to get back into the work force after years
of being out of it to raise our kids, but we anticipated this before deciding I
would become a stay at home mom. This is
why I’m going to make sure I’m passionate about my future career, knowing that
I’ll most likely have to start from the bottom and work my way up to where I
want to be. For me the most important thing will be loving my career and having work-life balance.
That’s where we are in a nutshell. I will be sure to keep you posted going
forward and stay tuned because I will be vlogging our crazy family in the
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