Coming close to the end of my pregnancy my belly was huge and my ankles were swollen but other than that I was feeling pretty good. I was still really active and instead of resting would always busy myself with something. I recommend you rest so that you don’t go into labor early like I did!
I thought that I wouldn’t go into labor until after my due date because typically your first child’s birth goes past the anticipated date. Well I thought wrong, at least for myself!
I had a pretty stressful week at work and I guess it all came to a boiling point on Friday when I had a breakdown at work. I went home that day so thankful for the week to be over and thought that I would get some good rest over the weekend and come back refreshed for the next week. However, that night I started experiencing shooting pains in my back that radiated to my stomach. It was so bad that it jolted me awake and continued throughout the night. I started deep breaths to help with the pain and thought omg I couldn’t possibly be going into labor now! I kept moaning in pain hoping that Jon would wake up, but he didn’t! I looked over and saw him sleeping so peacefully, snoring away, lol! I thought there was no point in waking him just yet, but when I noticed the pain intensifying and getting closer and closer I elbowed him pretty good to wake him, hehehe (I’m wicked because I have one bony elbow!). He woke up immediately and was about to bless me out when I told him I thought I was in labor. He then started timing my contractions. They were only 10 minutes apart at this point so we decided to call my doctor and find out what to do. This was at 2am mind you. My hubby spoke to the night nurse who advised us to wait until my contractions were 3 minutes apart to trek it to the hospital. This was unfortunate for me because the contractions continued until around 8am. I got no sleep and was dead tired. I also couldn’t rest on Saturday during the day because we already had plans so I figured I would just sleep that night, but then the contractions started again at 7pm. I thought oh no not again!! This time my contractions were 5 minutes apart. I was exhausted, in pain and crying. It freaked my hubby out because he never saw me like this before and it was at this point we decided to go to the hospital.

To rule out my baby being in any form of distress an ultrasound was done at the hospital and that made the trip to the hospital worth it because we got to see our baby fully formed and he looked so cute with his button nose! There was no umbilical cord wrapped around his neck or anything and he was perfectly fine so we were given the okay to go home. That Sunday, I was writhing in continuous pain. I hadn’t had a wink of sleep since Friday night and I was starting to break mentally.
With my contractions not letting up Sunday night we already knew I wasn’t going to be able to make it to work, so I waited until 6am to call my manager and leave a message letting her know about my situation. I told her I would keep her posted and try to make it to work on Tuesday or so I thought!
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