On Monday my contractions were coming, but they were definitely spread farther apart and I thought that they would subside. I’m not sure it was because I had company and a distraction with one of my girlfriends, Jolena, but I thought all was going to be well (thank goodness she came over to keep my company, it helps to have great friends!). After Jolena left and the sun started to go down that is when the pain intensified yet again. I thought oh great here we go again! I was becoming frustrated and was willing to try anything to make our baby come so the pain would stop. We did our research and talked with friends and everyone gave us the same advice, have relations! I thought how is this going to work with my contractions, but desperate times called for desperate measures and we did the deed! I’m not going to go into details of what happened here, but let’s just say it was rather comedic with me being in pain and my hubby terrified.
I still wasn’t able to sleep at all that night and when Tuesday morning came the pain was just unbearable. I was howling in pain. I also reverted to being a child calling for my mommy, lol! I don’t know what it is, but when my mom is around, I always feel better. I told my husband to call her and ask her and my dad to come out early because it seemed as if our little baby boy was going to arrive sooner than we thought. You may have figured it out by now, but I had to call out sick again that day from work and let my boss know that it seemed as if I would be having this baby soon.
When my husband called my parents, my mom was shocked and frazzled because she thought that the pains would subside and thought I would be delivering late. Unfortunately, they could not come because their car was getting a tune up for their trip up to Atlanta. Thank goodness, my husband thought fast and had his mom come stay with me that day. The pain was ridiculous and having someone constantly kneading my lower back provided some relief. I was so exhausted at this point having very very little sleep for the past four nights! I just wanted sleep! Realizing I wasn’t going to get it I had to figure out a way to make the pain stop. That’s when I got up and started walking around the house and in the backyard. Walking, believe it or not, really helped when I could feel a contraction coming! Remember, no matter how much pain you may be in or how tired you are, if you get up and move you will definitely feel some relief. It also helped to rock standing up, as if slow dancing when the contraction was a doozie! We were of course timing it and towards the evening they started to get closer and closer apart, I’m talking about 3-5 minutes. That’s when we knew this was more serious. I got a rush of energy at this point and in between contractions was singing, yeah I felt crazy, but it made me feel better. Basically, do what you need to do to feel better because this pain is no joke!

We grabbed our overnight labor bag and our delivery bag and headed out (it was about 8pm on Tuesday night)! Oh yes, I will go over in another post what you should pack in both of these bags and when you should pack them and if you have pets what to do. Stay tuned to Part Three for the final moments!