Ian's rosette smash cake with Paddington Brown bear |
When our Baby Beary turned 1 initially my hubby and I
thought we would throw a party similar to his older brother, but utter exhaustion,
winter, and my sanity obliterated those plans.
I felt badly about this, but Ian is born in the dead of winter and I’m
from a tropical climate and grew up in Florida, I’m just not built for this
type of cold. I know, I know, get over
it, well I simply can’t. I hibernate
during winter and the thought of trying to plan and host a birthday party with
two very young boys was not going to happen.
Normally I would sacrifice my mental sanity and do it, but this time I
opted out and it was the best decision for us. Let’s face it, the 1 year old birthday extravaganza
is for the parents. The basic tenets are
about creating great memories and celebrating this milestone with loved
ones. In going along with that, I
decided to get professional pictures taken of our nugget with a smash cake and
to have a simple and sweet bday celebration with our little family at home with
Once I came up with a game plan I had to find a photographer
I liked, pick a theme for the pictures, order a smash cake, figure out the
attire/décor, and get the whole fam on board.
Through internet research I found a photographer very close to where I
live who has a studio in her home. This
was important to me because it would allow us to give Ian a quick bath after
his smash cake indulgence. And she had a
really fun play area next to the studio that we could use as a
distraction. We also decided that we
would use this opportunity to take a couple of family pictures beforehand, take
some pics with the boys, change Ian into his smash cake outfit, get pics of him
in that, introduce the smash cake, and
have him delve in.
We came up with Paddington bear theme because one of our
nicknames for Ian is Baby Beary and while there is Winnie the Pooh and Corduroy,
we liked the idea of Paddington because he is known for loving his orange
marmalade. With this is mind, when
ordering Ian’s smash cake I knew I wanted it to be an orange rosette cake. I personally like how they photograph. I found a really cute Paddington print smash cake
outfit on Etsy. I ordered the hat with
fluffy tassle, the diaper cover, and a bowtie.
I wanted his little belly out and knew this would make for easier
cleanup, so it was a win win. One of Ian’s
aunties also bought him a Paddington bear and book that we used in the photos to
carry through the theme and we bought colorful balloons to add some simple

The morning of Ian’s smash cake shoot was very hectic. Actually, whenever you’re trying to get
everyone ready, looking nice, and out at a set time it is very stressful when
you have kids. By the time you feed
them, have them dressed and ready to go, they either need a diaper change, need
to potty, are hungry again so you have to feed them, cranky because they’re
sleepy, or in our case, all of the above lol.
It was a chilly morning as would be expected in the middle of February
and by the grace of God we left on time.
Luckily, the photographer was only 10 minutes from our home and when we
got there she was ready to go because she knew it would only be a matter of
time before the meltdowns began (she has young kids as well).

We tried and tried to get a nice family shot, but the boys
refused to cooperate. Trying to get both
of them to look at the camera at the same time and smile was just not
happening. After about 10 min of that I
was like eh let’s move on because our mission was to capture cute bday pics of
Ian. We also tried to get cute shots of
the brothers together and that was a hot mess as well lol. Isaac was cooperating, but Ian decided he
wanted to run everywhere, so after 15 min, that was that. Then when

we changed Ian into his smash cake
outfit our little Isaac’s attitude took a turn and Mr. Grumpy Pants made an appearance. We suspected this would happen because the
attention was not focused on him, so daddy took him out of the studio and into
the play area. Praise God for that!. Meanwhile, I was trying to get Ian to stay on
the white backdrop to take pics without him running off. It was a serious work out! I was sweating and the amount of squats I did
was simply ridiculous. No wonder I was
incredibly sore the next day! Taking
these pics were definitely not easy like his newborn shots where he stayed
put. I honestly wish we could have done
the pics outside, but alas it was too cold and I didn’t want to risk our boys
getting sick for the sake of pictures.
It was worth getting these shots of our sweet beary |

After the pics were done and we were all packed up, I remember I sat in the car, looked at my hubby and was like, “That was straight
up torture.” Jon told me he knew it was
going to be like that and had mentally prepared for it. I don’t know why I thought it was going to be
all sunshine and flowers lol. Must have
been the chocolate flavored coffee I downed that morning. Turns out I wasn’t
the only one exhausted, when we got home, after eating lunch, the boys were
knocked out and I had a “mommy drink” to unwind.
That week, we celebrated Ian’s bday on his actual birth date
by getting 4 cupcakes and singing to him. Isaac became really upset when we did
that because boyfriend doesn’t like it when you sing happy bday to anyone
besides him. He then proceeded to blow
out Ian’s candle and had a huge grin afterwards. All we could do was look at one another and smile
because well, that’s our Isaac and Ian doesn’t know how to blow out a candle, so
no biggie. You honestly just learn to go
with the flow and don’t sweat the small stuff. It was a cute and quaint bday for our little
guy and man oh man what they say about the second child is so true lol. That’s something I’ll discuss in my next
post. Check out the bday pics below as well and you'll see I don't exaggerate when I document our experiences lol.
He started off sour then got super sweet lol |
About to light candle and start singing |
Add caption |
Blowing out his brother's candle |
So happy he blew out his brother's candle |
Very upset when we were singing happy bday to Ian |
Face while we're singing |
His annoyance lol |