After I received my epidural I would say that I got in a
good 4-5 hours of sleep before my doctor came in and decided to give me some Pitocin
to speed things up a bit. After that,
within the hour my water broke (I could not even tell), I was 10cm dilated and
it was go time! Instead of pushing my
baby out in 1.5 pushes like I did with Isaac, I took my time and pushed Ian out
in about 20 minutes at 9:16 am. I
definitely recommend you take your time when pushing your baby out because I
received only two stitches this time in comparison to the 20, yes 20 I received
when I delivered Isaac. I did not have a
fever this time around, so there was a lack of urgency to get the baby out due
to possible infection and no vacuum this time either, thank goodness!
Once our baby boy was out he was weighed, measured, given
his Apgar score of 9 like his big bro (this is used to assess the health of a
newborn immediately after birth; scale from 0-10), given his first bath and was
then nestled on my bare chest to get that skin to skin contact. We also made sure to do the same with daddy
so that Ian would have that connection with him as well. We were then transported up to our post
partum room, which became our home for three days.
We were most apprehensive for the meeting of Isaac and Ian because we did not want our Isaac to feel left out or anxious. Both grandmas brought him and Isaac being Isaac walked in, saw us and then tried to walk back out because he was upset that we were not home with him. He eventually came back in and started to warm up. Once he was calm, we introduced him to his baby brother and he was so sweet with him! He gave him a kiss and everything and that definitely made our hearts melt.
Some things we did differently the second time:
- Packed 3 days worth of clothes, pajamas, underwear and hygienic items for daddy
- Packed 2-3 cute baby outfits because we had a little newborn photo session in our delivery room with the hospital photographer
- We waited until my contractions were close together before heading to the hospital so that we would not have to play the waiting game there. Taking a hot bath prior to leaving definitely helped.
- Hubby ventured out to nearby restaurants to purchase food for himself since the food in the hospital cafeteria is not the best (we are used to flavor and spices). We also packed healthy snacks.
- My mother in law bought me a super soft robe type cardigan that I could throw over my hospital gown when I had visitors. I used this for myself and as a nice blanket for Ian to snuggle with me.
- I took a shower before the nurses gave me the okay. I knew I was not as damaged as I was with Isaac and taking a shower the night after delivery was the best! I felt so refreshed and clean!!
- I was very calm. I think already going through it and knowing what to expect had that effect on me, so instead of panicking we went with the flow, which made for a much more enjoyable experience.
Funny Story (TMI Alert!):
Ok, this is embarrassing, but what the heck, I have decided
to share it all, so here we go! I
believe it was the night after giving birth; I needed to use the restroom. I am sorry, but after giving birth, going to
the restroom is disgusting with all the blood.
Anyway, I would always wait to the last minute to use the restroom and
have to run there every time. Well this
time I think I waited a little too long because by the time I got up I started
to pee, now this would have been something that the hospital pad could have
handled if I didn’t have a bucketful of pee come out of me! I peed all over my room floor as I was
running to the toilet and was like, “Omg, Love I need your help!” Next thing I heard while in the bathroom was
Jon’s voice like, “What the heck happened here?! “ His reaction caused me to crack up. I was laughing so hard while telling him that
I peed myself and he was rightfully disgusted.
He told me how there was blood mixed in with the pee and he did not know
how to handle it because it was everywhere.
I told him to get some paper towels and clean it up. He did that, even got creative, and used the
hospital hand sanitizer to wipe down the floor lol. Did I also mention that this was in the middle
of the night? Without hesitation, the
following morning, we asked for housekeeping to come and mop down our floors. All I can say is man, you know you’re loved
when your boo will wipe down a floor that you just peed all over (mixed with
blood, eww) in the middle of the night lol!
And yes, we are a crazy couple and family, but that’s why we’re always
cracking up!