There are soo many milestones from birth to 12 months of age, from
the first angelic smile to those first steps.
It has been quite an adventure, an awesome one filled with lots of
laughter and awe inspiring moments.
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Here I am feeding him for the first time |
I remember Isaac’s first feeding of solid food, baby oatmeal mixed
with breast milk. I was extremely
nervous about him choking. I would put the tiniest amount of food on the spoon
and the whole process took me an hour, which in my book is ridiculous,
lol! I made and continue to make all of
his food simply because I’m trying to ensure he eats very little processed or
fatty foods. I am constantly trying to
come up with yummy food options for his developing palate. Some of his faves are: green peas, pears/pineapple and apple chilled
puree, avocado with minced chicken breast, chow mein (Trini style noodles with
veggies and meat) and pancakes with flax seed and fresh fruit mixed in an oatmeal
batter to name just a few. He is used to
seasonings because that’s what I cook with on the reg, hello, his mom is Trini
afterall! I also make sure to taste
everything I feed him because if it doesn’t taste good to me, why would I
expect him to eat it? I also have to
make sure the consistency is spot on because when he first started eating he
preferred a smoother/creamier texture to his food, but now he actually likes
some tiny bits to chew on. He also self
weaned as I started to feed him more and more solids. I managed to breastfeed him for 1 year and
after that he has graduated to a diet consisting of solid foods (veggies,
fruits, whole grains, meats, starches) water and lactaid milk (unfortunately he’s
lactose intolerant like his mommy and daddy, curses!).
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Opening his mouth for Toby! Gross! |
Isaac is definitely on the move now, so we made sure to baby proof
our house (cover electrical outlets, hide wires, pad sharp corners, childproof
doors/cabinets, oven/stove, gate off areas, etc…)! The only area that is ehh is the food and
potty area for our doggies and we have to block off our kitchen because those
little hands like to touch everything!
And I dunno what it is, but he is always trying to eat the dog food! I’m like this stuff does not smell good and
you’re not a doggie, stop trying to eat it, yucky! This is also gross and can’t believe I’m
sharing this, but he’ll also open his mouth so the dogs can lick inside of it! The whole time he is also smiling as his mouth
is open as well! I guess it feels good, I dunno, but I’m not
trying it! I’m like omg disgusting what
are you doing?! Jon just laughs and
says, yup he’s getting his germs, that’s my boy, how cute! I’m
sorry, but that’s not cute, lol!
Needless to say, I brush/clean his
mouth every day. Friends and fam keep
telling me boys are gross and I’m starting to believe them, yikes!
Our little Cookie Bear (one of my many nicknames for him) is also
trying to walk and it’s just the cutest thing to us of course! Seeing his chunky legs and potbelly on the
move make me all warm and fuzzy inside. He
started walking after he turned one on November 5th and I remember
being like umm when are you going to start walking because we need you to be
ahead of the game here buddy. I was
becoming one of those annoying parents and Jon had to tell me to take a chill
pill and let him develop on his own timeline.
Sometimes I just need a wakeup call and after that I stopped placing my
own developmental demands on little one.
I realized I had to let him do it at his own pace. I think the moment it clicked was the day I
took him for his 12 month check up and while in the waiting room another mommy
was there with her 12 month old for the same thing. She asked if Isaac was walking and I was
bashful and sheepishly said no. She
seemed almost relieved and said that her son wasn’t either and she was feeling
pressure from her other friends with babies because their kids were younger and
walking already. I was like whew, I’m
not the only one! It was such a
relief! After that, I took advice from
Dr. Sylvester (Jon) and took that chill pill.

Next post I’m going to go into details on Isaac’s first birthday
party, how we came up with the theme and his first haircut!