Once we started to reveal the good news to our friends and family it started to become more of a reality that we were about to become parents and as joyous, as it was there was always concern for the well-being of our baby. We made sure to take the necessary precautions, such as healthy eating, exercising, regular checkups and the consumption of prenatal vitamins every day.
I do not know about you guys, but when I was hungry back in the day, I would go for a quick and convenient fix, which wasn’t often the healthiest choice. However, upon discovering I was preggers I decided to change that around right away. I started to consume mainly fruits, veggies, proteins and some carbs. I craved watermelon, milk, peanut butter & jelly and ginger ale (which is still my fave!). And for whatever reason, which I believe is common I couldn’t consume any tomato based foods or else it would be puke city! I also know that some women consume much more than they normally do, but that was not the case for me. Instead, I had a heightened desire for foods I already liked and continued to eat normally but just slightly increased my caloric intake per doctor’s request. In addition, I made sure to take my pre-natal pills religiously to provide my baby with the necessary supplements and nutrients needed for healthy development. My doctor suggested this brand called TheraNatal Complete, which I must say I loved! You can check it out at www.Theralogix.com. I highly recommend you take pre-natals if you find out you’re preggers!