Thursday, January 29, 2015

It’s a New Year!

Hey Guys!  I hope everyone has had a great start to 2015 thus far!  I was spending time with my little family during the holidays and staying crazy busy with these active boys, which is why I have been missing in action re my mommy blogging.  Our little Ian has been killing us in terms of sleep, or lack thereof.  He wakes up 2.5/3 hours every single night to breastfeed or snuggle.  It has been trying because he is now 11 months and we are seriously sleep deprived, especially since our older baby, Isaac wakes up as soon as the sun rises every morning.  He used to wake earlier until his dad sat him down and said, “Isaac don’t get out of your bed until the sun comes up.”  He listened to him and every morning he says, “Good morning!  I waited until the sun came up.” This should be interesting when spring and summer arrive.  I hope that by then Ian will be sleeping for at least 6 hours of uninterrupted sleep. 

We are also going to start sending Isaac to Parents Morning Out at our local YMCA so that he can socialize with other kids in preparation for Montessori preschool this year and allow me some one on one time with Ian or the ability to go run errands.  He starts the first week of February and I will most certainly document our experience with that.  I am also dreading the fact that we are probably going to get sick like crazy this year with the introduction of school.  I can honestly say that Isaac has been sick less than 10 times since birth (knock on wood), but I know this is all about to change and that our entire household had better get ready. 

Speaking of which, both boys are currently ill.  We think they caught a bug from one of their friends in Sunday school and this has been my first time tending to two sick boys.  It has been very challenging and while I am trying to care for their every need, I am trying to disinfect like crazy so that my hubby and I do not contract anything!  We have been hydrating them (water for Isaac and breast milk for Ian).  Making more smoothies to boost their immune systems and giving Isaac natural remedies like Maty’s All Natural Cough Syrup and elderberry.  At night to aid with breathing, we use a humidifier (we always put this on at night in the winter), Vicks Vapopads Sleepy Time Comfort with Lavender, Maty’s All Natural Vapor Rub under their noses, on their necks, and before putting them to sleep use the NoseFrida Snot Sucker.  Omg, I love this invention!  Since babies/toddlers most likely do not know how to blow their noses, this allows us to assist them and get the job done!  It really works and after about a couple of days, the boys are usually better.  It used to make me gag at first to see the disgusting snot that came out of their nostrils, but I got used to it, actually let me not lie, no, I’m still not used to it.  It grosses me out and makes me want to vomit, but I do it anyway because it produces results lol. 

Sometime this year, I am going to start vlogging our daily or weekly lives, doing reviews and giving a breakdown of my mommy favorites with what works and what you can do without based on my experience.  I was debating whether I wanted to do this, but seeing how quickly my babies are growing up makes me want to create a video diary of them.   When they are older and I no longer have babies, I can look back, remember when they were completely dependent on me, and capture one of the happiest times in my life.  I also hope it will help fellow mommies, mommies to be, or people just interested in getting a sneak peek into our quirky family because we are not perfect by any means, but we thank God everyday for the blessings we do have, do not take anything for granted and make what we do have work for us. 

Oh yes, and let me not forget that my Baby Berry Ian is turning 1 on February 24th!  I am debating on if I want a large birthday party similar to Isaac’s or if I want to keep it more low key.  So stay tuned! :)

Here we are in FL enjoying at day at the beach during Christmas break