Thursday, January 3, 2013

The Horrors of Teething

First off, Happy New Year everyone!  Hope everyone has had a great start to 2013!

For this post, I decided to discuss something that we recently experienced with our baby, teething.  It has not been an easy process by any means.  We feel so badly for him each time because it seems extremely painful and there isn’t much we can do to completely alleviate his pain.  He experiences a rise in his base temperature and oddly enough gets a runny nose as well.  At first we weren’t not sure if this was from a cold or a result of teething.  I did my research and I’ve read/heard both, however, I’m going to say it’s a cold because we all got it!  Welcome to parenthood, lol!

Isaac was actually a late bloomer when it came to teething so we were thankful for that because it honestly makes everyone miserable when our little one is in discomfort.  The only thing is that instead of cutting one tooth at a time, he cuts multiple teeth.  For his first time it was four teeth and this last episode was three.  He would wake up several times throughout the night in pain and I would give him these homeopathic teething drops (Gentle Natural Homeopathic Teething Drops) that actually provided temporary relief.  He also loves to take it (guess he likes how it tastes) so it has definitely been a good thing for us. 

Sophie the Giraffe
I’m not going to lie, I was a hot mess during this time because I was worried/concerned about our little guy, extremely sleep deprived and sick.  I did my best to comfort him with homemade chicken noodle soup, cool pureed fruits and veggies, the teething drops, teething toys (Sophie the giraffe, toys that we froze), and of course lots of cuddles and snuggles.  You have to figure out what works for your baby because there are so many products out there.  I think I went out and bought around 10 different things and Jon had to put the hammer down on that!  Guess the product freak in me was coming out, lol!
Examples of different teething toys out there

Also, now that our baby boy has some teeth in his mouth we are sure to brush those bad boys every day.  He has picked up on this as well and loves to do it himself while taking his bath.  Gotta start them early with good hygiene, especially boys from what I hear, lol! 

Overall, teething eventually passes and I had to keep reminding myself that this is a normal process that every parent experiences, sickness and all!  Some of tools I took away from teething that may help others get through this time is having lots of patience, empathy, teething tools (toys, drops, etc…) and most importantly just being there for your little one during this painful time.   Another thing, if you notice your baby having other symptoms beside a slight rise in temperature, it’s often a sign of something else going on.  I called our pediatrician regarding this and they gave me this piece of information that I keep in the back of my mind at all times. 

This year I’m going to eventually try out something new and start doing some video blogging, so we’ll see how that goes!  I think my first one will be a review on baby products.